
发布时间:2022-08-12 15:15:50 阅读:235 点赞:0


关于”火加汉语“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Fire plus Chinese。以下是关于火加汉语xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fire plus Chinese

Valentin [Valentin [v [V L {Valentin ['v æ L æ L ə Latin] Aberdeen [b ə Di: n] Ursula ['sula ['601;;; e Abbott ['b B ə t] van [v æ n n n] Valentine ['v æ L n tantain] aberathy æ B north; Nei æ n ə Ursula ['ə ə ə ə E; e Abbott ['b æ B æ t] ə t] {van n [v æ van n [v æ v una ['ju Ju Ju n ə; una ['ju n ə n] ə;; Valleia [v ə Li ə Li ə RI ə ə Alto ['a: lt ɔ ɔ ɔ Yalun ['ɛ R ə n] ԡ Vargas ['wa: G ə S] Abdel [A: b'du: l] Abel [EIB] Vanessa [v ə NES ə Albertson Abelard ['abel ['abel ['abel ['eib] Vanessa [v ə NES ə Alberto] albertal ['abelard ['Abelard ['abel ['abel ['abel ['abel ['eib] EIB] Vanessa [v ə æ B ə La: D] Abelson ['eiblsn] Abel Cmbie ['b ə Kr ʌ M] Valery V æ L ə RI:] / Abbado [ə' BA: D ə u u] Vance [v æ; NS] Abbas [ə B æ s [[[ə'b æ s [ s [Fanfan].


瓦伦丁[瓦伦丁[væl Valentin['væləlantin] 阿伯丁[æbədi:n] Ursula['əə;; e雅培['æbət] Vann[væn n] 情人['væl Ntantain] Abernathyæb北; neið Una['ju ju nəə; Una['ju n nən]ə;;652ndəwud] 瓦莱丽娅[vəliəə] 阿尔托['a:ltɔ:] 亚伦['ɛrən] 瓦尔加斯['wa:gəs] 阿卜杜勒[a:b'du:l] 亚伯[eib] 瓦内萨[vənesə]艾伯尔森 阿伯拉尔['æbəla:d] 亚伯尔森['eiblsn] 亚伯cmbie['æbəkrʌmbi] 瓦莱丽['vælə] Valery vælə:]/ Abbado[ə'ba:dəu u] Vance[væ; ns] Abbas[əbæs[[[ə'bæs[ s[凡凡。


Anna went to the park by bike: last Sunday morning, when she arved at the park, she saw some children swimming in the water. She also wanted to do so when she took off her clothes. A strange man took her bike away.

Anna couldn't find her bike rywhere when she was crying. She called the police. One day, a girl de her bicycle to a park and she took her The bike left behind the Bush, but she didn't know that a man was hiding in the Bush: the man came out of the Bush and stole the girl's bike.

After a few minutes, he ran away. The girl was looking for her bike. She was wored, and then she called the police.




One day, general Barton, who was commanding the Amecan army in Italy, was taken to the hospital in San Agata. One of the patients looked very nice. "I'm going to get that man out of bed immediately.

Patton ordered" take him to the fnt line. I won't let those who are really injed see that man is so spoiled. "When the patient saw his request, Barton hit him On his face, he was fghtened to learn that he was seously shelling.

In a fit of rage, he ordered Barton to apologize to ryone. Although the general dutifully summoned his tops, loyal people did not allow him to speak. Every time he ted to cheer and cheer with the tears of gratitude in Barton's eyes, he simply tned away fm the patient and forgave his general, saying, "he himself is a little tired.".





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