
发布时间:2022-03-25 10:01:00 阅读:808 点赞:0


关于”有关餐桌礼仪“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:About table manners。以下是关于有关餐桌礼仪初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About table manners

According to the custom of Olympus, Zeus and Hermes, they visited the world in disguise. One day, they came to a village. In a thousand houses, they knocked on the door a thousand times, and they were refused rest, food and dnk.

At last they came to a humble cottage, where bxite and her huand, Philemon, lived. Poor as they are, they live in peace with the world. They make full use of what life can give them and sincerely appreciate the gods above.

The old couple were overjoyed when the o travelers entered the hut. They offered the best seats to the guests and immediately be to prepare dinner for them. It took a lot of effort to make a fire to keep warm.

Cabbage, a piece of fat they had preserved for a long time, was cooked on the fire. A goose they were going to kill for the visitor was rescued at the last minute. The dining table was impvised, crude, patched, but it was their best.

The table is supported by a bck. There were eggs and wine, as well as cheese and vaous newly picked fruits. The old couple were coteous and hospitable, waiting for the visitors.

Moved by the passion of the house, the gods spoke of their true identities. We are God, and you will be free fm miortune when yo neighbor punishes you for yo wickedness. Come on, as they appached the top of the mountain, filmont looked back and saw that the villages below were covered by the amash people, and among the ruins and ruins, their only old hut had tned into a maificent temple.

At their request, they were appointed guardians of the sacred land of Zeus. When they transcend the world, their lives come to an end. They become ashes and stand side by side in fnt of the temple..









Eb9ee7adi was injed in a car accident. One night, Mr. Li dve his wife home fm work.

She was a nse in the hospital. It was nearly midnight. She was very tired and fell asleep.

Mr. Li looked at her and said with a ile that Mr. Li was a careful and expeenced dver.

He knew that after a peod of time, it was safer to dve slowly in the dark night. He noticed that there was a car behind him, dving fast and suddenly And passed his car. The dver was in a hry.

He didn't see the coming truck to avoid hitting it. He suddenly adjusted the car. It skidded off the ad and hit a big tree.

The dver and his passengers were injed. They were badly scratched by the bken windshield glass. Mr.

Li quickly pulled the car to the side of the ad, and his wife and son got off to the injed people. The truck dver also stopped to Mr. Li dve away, about 25 points Two hos later, he called the police and a police car and an ambulance arved.

The injed were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The police took down the details of the accident. Mr.

Li and the truck dver told them rything they remembered. The police thank them for their . Mr.

and Mrs. Li got into the car and went on their way home.





Once upon a time, there was a pud and evil pnce who only wanted to all the countes in the world and make his name the fear of all . He rushed out with a fire and a sword, and his soldiers trampled on the grain in the field, bned torches into the farmhouse, and let the red flame lick the leaves on the trees, and the fruits g on the black charred li. Many poor mothers picked up her naked baby and ted to hide behind the oking wall, but the soldiers followed her.

If they found her and her child, they be their demonic please. The evil soul could not be worse than this. But the pnce was happy day by day, his stren was gwing, and his name was in awe of all, Wealth followed him with gold and precious wealth fm the ed cities, and it was not until he had accumulated in the capital unmatched wealth elsewhere that he built maificent palaces, temples and arches.

Everyone who saw his maificence said, "what a great pnce." they nr thought about the suffeng he had bught to other countes. They had nr heard the gans and laments of the bning cities. The pnce gazed at his gold, looked at his maificent buildings, and thought like a cwd, "what a great pnce!" but I had to have , important Yes, there is no amazing power, "so he fought with his neighbors until all were defeated.

As he dve acss the street, the ed king was chained to his chaot, and as he sat at the table, they lay at the feet of the pnce and his servants, eating what might have been thwn at them.





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