
发布时间:2022-04-10 15:40:31 阅读:213 点赞:0


关于”对剪纸赏析“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Appreciation of paper cutting。以下是关于对剪纸赏析专升英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Appreciation of paper cutting

When things go wng, don't give up. When the ad you take seems to be uphill. When you are short of funds and de is high, you want to ile, but you have to sigh.

When worry makes you a little depressed, if you have to rest, but when success is a complete faile, don't give up. There is silver in the cloud of dou. You can nr tell how close you are when it looks up When it's far away, it may be nearby.

When you're hit the hardest, keep fighting. When things go wng, you can't give up.




God's box. I have o boxes in my hand. God asked me to hold them.

He said, put all yo Sas in a black box and all yo happiness in gold. I listened to him and put my happiness and Sa in these o boxes. But n though the gold was getting heavier and heavier, the black was still as light as before becse of ciosity.

I opened the black box: I wanted to find out. I saw a hole at the bottom of the box. My sadness had fallen out of the hole.

I thought, I want to know where my leno is. He said with a gentle ile, "my children, they are all here, ask God.", Why did he give me the box, why is it gold, and black with holes? My child, gold is for you to count blessings, and black is for you to let go.





As for yo death, yo painful embrace of death, it is a futile attempt to warn me that the unrelenting recipient of his work is coming, I see the old man and the squeeze receiving support, I lean on the windowsill of the delicate and flexible door, and mark the exit, mark relief and escape, as for yo body, I think you are good fertilizer, but it does not offend me, I ell the fragrance of white ses and Gwing, I reach out to the leafy lips, I touch the ooth breast like melons and fruits, as for yo life, I think you are the relic of many deaths. (no dou, before I hear you whispeng in heaven, I have died 10000 times myself, ah, the grass of the sun, the eternal traner and pmotion of graves. If you don't say anything, how can I say anything What about the tbid pond in the forest in tumn, the moon falling fm the desolate ilight, bumping and shining on the black stems in the tten mud, the ganing and raving at the withered li at dusk, I se fm the moon, I se fm the night, I perceive that the terble glimmer is reflected by the midday sun, disappeang fm the descendants of all ages to stability and center.




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