
发布时间:2022-04-06 11:35:47 阅读:190 点赞:0


关于”演讲稿“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:speech draft。以下是关于演讲稿初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:speech draft

The feeling of youth no young man belis that he will die. This is a word fm my bther. A good word.

When we are young, we have a sense of eternity. It makes us become one of the immortal gods. Half of the time is really passing.

The other half of the time will be waiting for us with its countless treases, becse we have no demarcation line Limit, we see that o hopes and wishes are infinite, we make the fute era o own, the infinite pspect is in fnt of o death, age is meaningless words, passing by us, just like the air of thought that we think others have not expeenced, or may still have an impact on them, we "have a fascinating life, it's Lghing at all these morbid fantasies, when we embark on a happy joney, we look forward with eager eyes and cheer for the betiful scenery in the distance, but we can not see the end of the scenery. New things appear in the pcess of o pgress. Therefore, at the beginning of life, we have no limit on o own inclinations, and we have no unlimited opportunities to satiy them.

We have not found any obstacles, there is no tendency, it seems that we can continue forr, we look nd a new world full of vitality and vitality, continuous pgress, we feel that all the vitality and spit must keep pace with it, do not foresee fm any existing symptoms how we will be left behind in the natal pcess, aging, degenerating To the grave, this is the abstraction of o feelings when we were young. It can be said that o identity and nate are insiificant. O passion makes us beli that we are immortal.

The connection beeen o short life and existence. We love oselves is an inseparable and lasting honeymoon. It is neither cold nor harsh nor separated Babies ile and sleep, we shake o wayward fantasies in the cradle, settle down in the ar of the universe nd us, we can't wait to finish the cup of life, but we don't dnk it dry, it will overflow objects nd us, fill o minds with their huge and stng desire, so that we have no to think about death.




Once, a ch man's wife was very ill. On his deathbed, she called her only child and said, "Melissa, mother will go after you in heaven and bless you." then she closed her eyes and died. Once, a ch man's wife was very ill.

Before he died, she called her only child and said, "Melissa, mother, go to heaven." Then she closed her eyes and died. She was bied in the garden. The little girl was a devout and kind girl.

She would go to her mother's grave and cry ry day. If winter came, the snow covered her mother's grave with a white blanket. The spng breeze was blowing.

Fm winter to spng, the sun had set down a snow tomb, and people were moving on the way to migration When they arved, the poor little girl be to seously say, "to such a useless diner, who makes bread and money in the living om, get out of the kitchen and be a kitchen maid." then They took off her betiful clothes and put on her old gray coat. She lghed mischievously. She rushed to the kitchen.

She was forced to work hard ry day before dawn, carrying water, bning fire, cooking, washing clothes, and living with her sister at night. Becse of her negligence and torte, when she was exhsted, she didn't sleep in bed, so she had to sleep by the ashes of the kitchen It's ash, dirty and ugly. For this reason, they once called her Cinderella.

When my father went to the , he asked his wife and o dghters to give them back what he had given them. First of all, a ch man's wife was very ill. On her deathbed, she called her only child and said, "Melissa, mother goes after yo guard in heaven.

Her mother was killed in winter Snow covered, her eyes covered with winter snow, she ced for her mother's grave, her eyes were covered with winter snow, but his father mared another wife.




[let's de bicycles, low carbon life and ener conservation] good morning. The theme of my speech is let's de bicycles. Thank you.

Good morning. I'm Li Hua fm Xingguang middle school. The theme of my speech is to let us de bicycles.

As we all know, with the impvement of people's living standards, highways have become a popular means of transportation. Howr, they also bng some pblems to o lives, such as air pollution and traffic jams. Can we solve these pblems? As far as I know, bicycles are a good solution.

Bicycles don't need gasoline, and they're very ener-saving, becse the other bike is envinmentally fendly, becse they don't pduce waste. What's , cycling is a good way to exercise. It's good for o health.

Let's take responsibility and join us in building a low-carbon city by cycling. Thank you. Howr, as far as I know, how can we solve these pblems? Well, for one thing, this is a popular method.

On the other hand, it is beneficial to assume the responsibility of construction. As we all know, it bngs great convenience to o life, becse they do not emit exhst gas. Let's come together.





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