
发布时间:2022-08-07 15:37:42 阅读:239 点赞:0


关于”写我们叶老师用“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Wte about o teacher Ye's use。以下是关于写我们叶老师用xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte about o teacher Ye's use

Among all the teachers, I love my English teacher best. He is a very good teacher. He is about 30 years old.

We all call him Mr. Zhu. He is not tall but a little fat.

He is a man with a sense of humor and is always fendly to us. We all like him and his class. We are very happy that he always makes his English class interesting.

We know that English is difficult to learn, but in his class, we feel that it is difficult English is very easy and interesting. He often teaches us how to learn English well. He asks us to listen, read, speak and wte after class.

We always talk to him in English. He n lends us English books. If we have difficulties in understanding, we can ask him.

He is always willing to us. He is not only concerned about o study, but also about o life. One day, one of my fends Li Tong had a bad cold.

He took her to see a doctor and bought some medicine for her. When Li Tong stayed at home, he took her home. Miss Zhu went to her home and ed her make up lessons a few days later.

She could go back to school. This is my English teacher. What do you think of him.




My new year's resolution is very difficult to complete first, I have to study hard, bee I want to get good grades, mathemati is not very good, so I will practice three times a week, and then I will exercise . I will go swimming, running and so on. I will eat vegetables and fruits to keep healthy.

I also want to learn a new language, bee I want to be a translator when I gw up. French is my favote.




Since we be to study in middle school, we have sral English teachers. But in my opinion, the present English teacher is the best one we know. She is nr tired of ing us learn.

She answers o questions patiently. She has many years of teaching expeence. She teaches us how to do it.

In order to wte in , clear and correct English, and to make English speaking people speak English, she has many years of teaching expeence People understand, she left a deep impression on us. With her , we have made rapid pgress.




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