
发布时间:2022-10-08 15:32:50 阅读:418 点赞:0


关于”问题和烦恼“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Pblems and tubles。以下是关于问题和烦恼初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pblems and tubles

Jim is a very kind young man. He works in a big super last month. His colleagues like him very much.

He has a bad cold. He has been in bed for o weeks. But after he gets well, he keeps blinking at home.

He is as good as usual. But if he goes out, he can't blinking. Jim meets a policeman on his way to work the next morning He blinked at him.

The police were spsed, but said nothing. Then he met an old man and winked at him. The old man thought he must be crazy, but he didn't say a word.

The real tuble started when he met a woman for the first time. He met a young lady. He blinked.

The women's faces were red. She ran away quickly. Then he met an old woman with a crutch.

Jimmy winked at her. She looked at him carefully. Jim blinked again.

Without saying a word, she hit him on the head with her crutches. She ced Here's a lesson for you, poor Jimmy. How can he explain that he ran away soon after that, and he always wears a pair of sunglasses when he goes out? He had to stay in the hospital for a long time.

B he always closed his eyes. C. his legs ht.

D. There was something wng with his eyes (when he was at home, a he couldn't contl his eyes. B.

he was fine. C. he blinked at others.

D he was weang a pair of sunglasses (he was spsed when Jimmy made a policeman B old man C young lady d old lady blink) (Jimmy winked at the young lady It's becse a he wants to talk to her. B he loves her very much. C.

she blinks at him first. He can't blinking. (why does the old woman beat Jimmy a becse she's grandma B, becse she hates Jimmy C, becse Jimmy lghs at her dbadc, and Jimmy winks at her.





There was a huge earthquake in Sichuan. Most of the houses collapsed and thousands of people were killed and injed. The whole city was quickly destyed.

The police, doctors and volunteers went to Sichuan to save people and save people. Many forei people heard the bad news and donated money and mateals to Sichuan. As a student, I feel sorry for the poor.

I don't have much money, but I put all my pocket money It was sent to Sichuan. I hope and people can them. I also hope that Sichuan people can rebuild their homes as soon as possible and become better and better.




Is it a noble thought, ending the slingshot and arws of shameless fate, or struggling with arms in the vast tubles, opposing the end of them to die and go to sleep? This is a question. We can no longer use one sleep to end the heartache and thousands of natal shocks borne by the body. It is a kind of complete and devout hope to die, sleep, or dream, in death In the sleep of death, what dreams may appear.




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