
发布时间:2022-06-29 12:59:37 阅读:576 点赞:0




Thank you, hello (applse, thank you, thank you, Hello, Philadelphia) (applse and Hello, , I'm glad to see all of you Kelly's wonderful intduction, give Kelly a warm applse) (applse, I said backstage, when I was in high school, I couldn't do that. (lghter, I'll cover it up in some way, so we, I'll cover it up, so we, I'll do it for you and for you I'm pud to be here for all the students here.




Mongolian nomads directly rely on the pducts of domestic animals, such as cattle, horses, camels, yaks, sheep and goats. Sometimes meat is cooked and used as an ingredient of soup or dumplings (buz / khuush / bansh or dry winter food). Mongolian diet contains a lot of animal fat, which is necessary for Mongolian people to resist cold winter and hard work.

Winter is warm As low as centigrade, outdoor work needs enough ener reserve. Milk and cream are used to make all kinds of dnks, as well as cheese and similar pducts. The most common ral dish is boiled mutton.

In cities, there is usually no other ingredients. There is a si in other places that says "buuz". That is dumplings filled with meat.

Other types of dumplings are boiled in water ("bansh" or "khuushu" in other dishes, meat and meat are mixed with each other Rice or fresh noodles are mixed into vaous stews (Tsuivan, budatai hoga) or noodle soups (giltai) Sholth's most spsing cooking method is used only in special cases, where meat (usually with vegetables) is cooked with the of stones, and the pieces of mutton preheated in the fire are either placed in sealed milk cans ("hawkholg" or in the abdominal cavity of boneless goats or marmots ("boodog" milk boils to separate the cream) and the remaining skimmed milk is pcessed into cheese (besides Shimin arkhi, the most famous national dnk is airag, fermented mare's milk, a popular cereal food is barley, which is fed and malted. ARVAN gil is eaten with pordge made of milk fat and sugar, or drunk in milk tea. The daily dnk is salted milk tea ("s ü Tei Thanks to the influence of socialist Russia, it can be tned into a thick soup by adding ce, meat or bansh.

Vodka is also popular as a dessert becse of the astonishing number of local brands (usually in Mongolia, people can buy stng cereal meat in the gcery store) as a dessert. The Mongolians have boortsog, a kind of Mongolian biscuit or cookie.


蒙古游牧直接依家养动物产品维持生活,如牛、马、骆驼、牦牛、绵羊和山羊,有时野味肉也要煮熟,用作汤或饺子(buuz/khuush/bansh或燥冬季食品)配料蒙古饮食中含有大量动物脂肪,这些脂肪是蒙古人抵御寒冷冬季和艰苦工作所必需,冬季温度低至摄氏度,户外工作需要足够能量储备。使用牛奶和奶油为了制作各种饮料,以及奶酪和类似产品最常见农村菜是煮羊肉,在城市里通常没有任何其他配料,其他地方都会有一个牌子,上面写着“buuz”那是肉馅饺子,其他类型饺子是在水里煮(“Bansh”或羊脂油炸(“Khuushu”其他菜肴将肉与米饭或新鲜面条混合成各种炖菜(tsuivan、budatai huga)或面汤(giltai sholth最令人惊讶烹饪方法仅在特殊情况下使用,肉(通常和蔬菜一起)在石头帮助下煮熟,在火中预热过羊肉块要么放在密封牛奶罐里(“霍克霍格”,要么放在去骨山羊或土拨鼠腹腔内(“Boodog”牛奶煮沸以分离奶油)剩下脱脂牛奶被加工成奶酪(“byaslag”凝(aaruul酸奶,kefir,除了淡牛奶(“Shimiin Arkhi”最著名国家饮料是airag,发酵马奶,一种流行谷类食品是大麦,它是油炸和麦芽制成面粉(Arvan gil)是用脂和糖做成粥吃,或者喝在奶茶里喝。常饮料是咸奶茶(“Sütei Tsai”),由于时期影响,它可以通过添加米饭、肉或Bansh变成浓汤,伏特加也因数量惊人当地品牌而广受欢迎(通常在蒙古,人们在食品杂货店里可以买到谷类烈肉)作为甜点,蒙古人有boortsog,一种蒙古饼或曲奇。


Hello ryone. On behalf of the gup, I would like to intduce o research pject "world food csis". As you know, food shortages have hit many countes in the world and n csed social unrest in some areas.

Now, on behalf of o world food csis research pject. As you know, many countes in the world are suffeng fm food shortage, n csing social unrest in some areas. But who should be responsible for the crent world food csis first? Becse of climate change, the world's annual grain pduction has declined, and the rapid dlopment of industry and banization has led to the loss of a large number of cultivated land.

In the face of the se in ener pces, people have tned to the pduction of biofuels, which makes the government and seous On the one hand, we should pay attention to envinmental ptection and impve the ecological envinment. On the other hand, we should take stct meases to ptect cultivated land. Of cose, in order to build a harmonious world, dloped countes should take responsibility and those poor people who are short of food.

I want to call on people aund us to live frugally. I think we should study dlopment science and solve the pblem of food shortage in the fute.





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