
发布时间:2022-07-07 15:09:29 阅读:262 点赞:0


关于”理想中工作“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Ideal job。以下是关于理想中工作专升英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ideal job

Whenr someone asks me what I want to do in the fute, I think for a minute, and then say that being a doctor is my ideal job. A doctor is another kind of artist. He makes people feel good by fighting diseases.

I think it's a kind of happiness to do my best to bng happiness to others. It's a sense of pde. I like this feeling in modern life.

Many people work day and night in search of money Rich, as a result, they neglect health. As we all know, a stng body is the foundation of a happy life. I dream of becoming an excellent doctor.

They can them enjoy the ght of life again. Healing people is the sacred responsibility of doctors. Becoming a doctor is my ideal job.

Now I should study hard to get knowledge to achi my goal.





The moment we step into the university gate, we should consider allocating the fo years we will spend on the university campus. For this reason, we put forward the following reasons: first, in o study career, we need to complete enough credits for graduation, so we need to pass all the required coses and elective coses. Second, becse the employment is becoming increasingly fierce, we need to make a specific plan for o fute.

It is not enough to have knowledge in books, but we need to supplement those fm the society Knowledge, that is: integrating theory with practice. Third, most of us shoulder the higher expectations of o parents for us. In order to have an ideal job, we work hard ry day to make money.

Only by rational use of o time can we find a reasonable job that satiies them.




ItIt: ryone has an ideal job. Some people know what their ideal job is, while others are still trying to fige out what they should do in their lives. Releasing yo passion, personality and ability is the biggest secret to you discover yo ideal job, and also the biggest secret to get and keep it.

My dream is to be a respected person, a full-time engineer in IT industry, to contbute to the dlopment of it and to pvide efficient pducts for enterpses and companies. Every industry and field has different expectations and practices, but the actions needed to get an entry-ll job are common to almost any business, and the same is true of my subconscious mind. As an IT Engineer, you need to have self-study ability and flexible and agile thinking ability in daily work.

In daily work, you should always maintain the accacy and prudence of comr and neork, becse once you make any mistakes, it may lead to investment faile of millions of yuan. In addition, one should communicate well with yo customers and colleagues. No matter what, it engineer is a hard work, but it is worth yo enthusia, ry stren is worth it, as long as you realize that yo career may change the way people do, think about what they do and what the world looks like, I love it, and I will fight for the job I dream of.





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