
发布时间:2022-04-02 07:03:16 阅读:251 点赞:0




My hometown is in the east of Inner Mongolia. It is a betiful all town. Bee of the reform and opening up, it has become cher and cher.

But a few years ago, this all town was a poor and dirty place, with ws of all and dirty bck houses, sparse vegetation, people's clothes were ugly, and there were black and blue garbage piles rywhere, and there was a bad ell rywhere. The ads are . A cloud of dust se as a truck passed by.

You can imagine how bad the envinment has been since great changes have taken place in my hometown. People's living standards are impving ry year. Big shops and parks are impving.

In the past few years, the streets have been straightened and widened, trees and flowers are gwing on both sides of the ad, and people not only work hard, but also take part in vaous recreational activities: adncing last summer, I retned to my hometown and found another big park under construction. There is a big lake in the park. You can w on it and enjoy the betiful scenery.






She studied health economi in California and did research at Stanford University, which was a tning point. As a mother, for the first time, I was not cticized for wanting to work or fm pfessionals for having children. On the contrary, she said, the Amecan attitude is: it's great that you have children, so start working now bee you have to pay for the University; it's a liberation, she said, and she said she had fo children and went into politi.

A year later, she was the family minister in her home state of Lower Saxony, and when Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, bught her to Berlin, Ms von delaine became a national star, than many people. In her party, she had served for many years, hoping to have a similar occupational vlt. Since then, she has been trying to reshape her country in her own image.

If Germany does not accept educated women who want children and careers, they will leave Germany, and the sial is: if you have children, you are out, then women who want to work have o choices: they can either have no children or emigrate. She said she hopes to avoid the brain drain of women. When my dghters gw up, things are changing dramatically, and they say: what's the pblem.



xx年后,她是她家乡下萨克森州家庭部长,在德国安吉拉·(Angela Merkel)把她带到柏林时,冯·德莱恩女士成为了一位全国明星,超过了许多人在她政党中,她已经服务了多年,希望能有一个类似职业保险库。从那时起,她一直在努力按照自己形象重塑自己国家。如果德国不接纳那些想要孩子和事业受过教育妇女,那么这些妇女就会退出德国,这时发出信号是:如果你有孩子,你就出局了,那么想工作妇女有两个选择:她们要么没有孩子,要么移居国外。



My hometown is lianjiang, which is a city in Guangdong Pvince. Most of the people here are fruit farmers. Some of them are engaged in the ce cooker industry.

It is also one of the largest and most dloped counties in Guangdong Pvince. Lianjiang is a traditional agcultal county. I live in a all town in Lianjiang.

There is only one main ad in the town, and the shops are on both sides of the ad. Most of the shops are run by local Chinese. Lianjiang is famous for its pig farm.

The pigs here are either slghtered for sale in the or sold to other towns. Although the houses here are not big, they are very comfortable to live in. I love my hometown very much.

My hometown is a betiful place. It is located on a wide ver. It is ch in fish and ce.

But in the past, it is a poor and backward town. Many people have no jobs. They live a hard life Since then, my hometown has been liberated.

Great changes have taken place there. Streets and factoes have been widened. Schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have emerged one by one.

People's lives have greatly impved. I love my hometown. I love its people .

They are working hard to make it cher and betiful.




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