
发布时间:2022-05-27 12:55:13 阅读:619 点赞:0


关于”野生动物处境和保护“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The situation and ptection of wildlife。以下是关于野生动物处境和保护托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The situation and ptection of wildlife

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, becse their envinment has undergone great changes. For example, with the dlopment of cities, the use of pesticides and seous pollution, their living range is getting narwer and narwer. At the same time, many wild animals are facing food csis.

Human beings kill species in order to oain f, skin, horns, teeth and meat, in order to ptect o Ecological resoces, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the soce of knowledge and natal bety. Therefore, the following meases should be taken: setting pollution standards.




Envinmental ptection, as you know, there is not enough clean water for people to dnk, so many people have lost their lives becse of water, so we pollute the land, vers and air, so we have to face and floods and dughts. It is time for us to do something beneficial to ptect o envinment. We can plant trees and take good care of them.

We can save water and ask o parents to do so. We can't thw any garbage on the gund. If we take good care of it, we should collect them and recycle them.

O earth today will be betiful tomorw.




In recent years, ban greening in China has done a lot of work and made great pgress. Howr, despite this, we have planted a lot of trees and given great care to the trees planted. Compared with other cities in the world, the greening of Chinese cities is far fm satiactory.

For example, the green area of each person in Shanghai is only square meters, while that of Londoners is than square meters. First of all, we can benefit a lot fm the greening of the city. Trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide, but pduce oxygen which is vital to human beings.

Second, with trees, o city will become betiful. Third, trees can impve the city's climate and make summer It's not too hot, and it's not too cold in winter, becse we can benefit a lot fm the city greener. We should spare no effort to plant trees and take better care of them as they gw.

In addition, we should not cut down trees any . We should make ry effort to make o city green. Human beings and animals are o fends.

We should ptect these animals. But many wild animals are in danger of extinction becse their living envinment has changed a lot. For example, with the dlopment of cities, due to the use of pesticides and seous pollution, Their living areas are becoming and narw.

Many wild animals are now facing food csis. At the same time, human beings kill species in order to oain their f, skin, horns, teeth and meat. In order to ptect o ecological resoces, people should realize that any species is at least the soce of knowledge and natal bety.

Therefore, the following meases should be taken: 1 According to the pollution standard, it is forbidden to poison and kill some rare species. National parks should be set up as wild animals. Only when we take some stct meases can we ptect wild animals.




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