
发布时间:2022-08-11 15:29:17 阅读:179 点赞:0


关于”用介绍一项体育活动“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intduce a sports activity with。以下是关于用介绍一项体育活动中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce a sports activity with

Students actively participate in the special education activities of Tongren No.4 Middle School and No.2 Middle school ry morning. After the second class, I do morning exercises, play s in the afternoon, kick the street and jump pe. I can do all kinds of outdoor activities, such as playing basketball, running, sometimes painting, singing and dancing.

We have time for sports activities. We have at least one ho of sports activities ry day now I play very well. I won the first pze of o school in these activities last month.

I am and happy, and I can study harder.




Entertainment is an important part of people's life. For example, after hos of hard work, students feel like playing a football to relax their nerves. After a hard day's work, the staff may find it very satiying to sit in fnt of the TV for an ho or o.

Leise and entertainment is a happy way for retirees to spend their leise time. You will find that people engage in recreational activities in their spare time. There are o ways of entertainment: Sports and intellectual activities, physical exercise and team spit.

Basketball is an example. Intellectual activities, such as playing chess and reading novels, can exercise the brain and get d of difficulties temporaly. This is bee physical activities are necessary for physical health, and intellectual activities are beneficial to people's thinking.

Therefore, in order to make yo life happy and colorful, both kinds of recreation should be taken part in.





Many people like very active sports and recreational activities, such as sports, camping and fishing. Others like to spend their leise time on intellectual activities, such as reading, listening to music, collecting stamps or watching movies, wting articles, compang sports recreation with intellectual recreation, and explaining why you think sports or intellectual activity is better for people of yo age. What we need: sports entertainment or intellectual activity many people tend to be active in their leise time While others prefer to take part in intellectual activities, such as reading, listening to music, watching movies and so on.

Although it is unreasonable to say which one is absolutely better than the other, in my opinion, it seems desirable for young people nd the age of to choose the latter which is in line with their unique charactesti The dynamic young generation is in the peak peod of learning and exploration, so the knowledge-based talents are gent and important. They should make full use of their golden age to ench their knowledge, cultivate their minds, baden their hozons and dlop their taste. Second, intellectual activities young people to contact the sunding envinment, including the past and the present.

For example, thugh reading, people can understand history The wisdom and philosophy of a great man can lead him to a intelligent way of life. Watching movies or listening to music can one grasp the contemporary cultal trends and keep up with the rapid dlopment of the world. Obviously, physical exercise can't do all these things.

What I want to say is that I don't mean that physical activity is not as ful to life as intellectual activity. People should make their own choices according to their different life styles, personalities, hobbies and health conditions. I think the latter will be practical and meaningful, and take part in intelligence when you are young Activities, which will benefit you for life.




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