
发布时间:2022-08-21 07:20:18 阅读:867 点赞:0


关于”如何平衡工作和生活“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How to balance work and life。以下是关于如何平衡工作和生活初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to balance work and life

In the new year, I will study hard in the school, pay attention to class, finish homework on time, and actively carry out extraccular reading, so as to impve the understanding of classom theme. I will live a healthy lifestyle thugh the balance of work and leise, exercise regularly and keep a healthy diet. I will spend time with my family and fends.

I will share my joy and tears with them. I will lend a ing hand to them when they need , so as to make this year full of happiness and achiment.




My fute life will be colorful and meaningful. I want to be a good doctor. I beli my spare time will bng health and happiness to my parents.

I will stay with my family, travel a lot, do a lot of sports, and I will read as much as possible, becse n if I work, I will impve myself. I will nr give up learning. I beli that my dream will result fm For my efforts to achi, the fute life will be better and better.




A lot of people don't know how to balance work and life in other fields. People often say that work / life balances a lot of tasks, new technolo responsibilities are increasing, there is a need for recovery and a lot of e-mails, and you only work a part of their lives. These increasing work presses make you feel like you are in pson, and most of us are unable to escape fm us and need immediate treatment There are many different channels to work together in the theutic envinment.

You may need to different people work. You will not push Jiuli in different directions or you want to know how to deal with the needs of different people. The cost of dealing with these things is vigous.

It seems that the balance beeen work and life is nr so balanced, whether you are pmoted or still in modern work Learning new ways to deal with it under too much presse will you achi an important balance. Where and how to do it will depend on yo own treatment. Don't do rything well.

Many things in fnt of you. Achieving these goals is to try to do a good job. Everyone has fulfilled the desire to make the work complete oothly or you can't keep the balance and ght in yo life Effective contl of their own time, I hope ryone has a satiied person before work.

If you want to make ryone satiied, then the most dissatiied with that person must be that when others always do not put it in the second place for the first time, taking care of yoself is the most important key. Draw a line. In order to draw a line, you have a clear work or life area When you are willing to say "yes" and "no", drawing a boundary will yo work, maintain the balance of life, and bng you happiness, peace and satiaction in all aspects of life.

The minimum desire can be realized, hoping that it can make you do less than expected. When you do not realize yo wish, you will not hit yoself too much 90% of the actors and I have high expectations, so they rarely do what they need to do. Put these fo suggestions into practice, and soon you will find work to reli presse and increase work efficiency.




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