
发布时间:2022-03-23 13:08:59 阅读:213 点赞:0


关于”共享教育模式利弊“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of shang education mode。以下是关于共享教育模式利弊中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of shang education mode

One morning in early June, there was a heavy rain. I took a bus to the school in the subbs, sunded by ce fields and ponds. The sky was gray, and clouds were gatheng along the Far East hozon.

"There will be a heavy rain soon." When I hed into the classom, I said to myself, the sky was gray before, but now it is covered by dark clouds, and it is gradually dark to dusk. I feel very stuffy, but it is very calm. There is no wind.

I see the leaves and grass still. It seems that I am waiting for something to happen in a few minutes. I see the lightning splitting the clouds, and suddenly hear tder.

The rain ctain falls. The wind blows quickly and the grass is blown by the wind Even, the rain like fog, the sky became bght. I took a few deep breaths and felt comfortable.

The heavy rain lasted three hos and stopped. When the air in class was so fresh and the sky was so clear, I felt like a new man.





Long ago, when God walked on the earth himself, the soil was much fertile than it is now. The ears did not retn 50 or 60 times, but fo to five dred times. Nuts gw fm the bottom to the top of the stem, no matter how long the stem is, that is, it's the human way.

When they have extra, they don't value the blessing fm God, but become indifferent and fvolous. One day, a woman was walking in the wheat field. The child jumping nd her fell into the puddle.

Her clothes were dirty. Her mother tore off a betiful ear of wheat and clean clothes. God just passed by.

When he saw her doing this, he was angry and said that since then, the grain would not gw any . Human beings did not deserve this gift. The bystander who heard the news got down on his knees and begged him to leave.

At least there was something on the straw, n if they didn't deserve it, at least for the sake of the innocent chickens, or they would starve to death. God foresaw the coming suffengs, pitied them and satiied their wishes, so the ears on the tip of the stem still gw as they are today.





: seemingly agreeable: wasted time: hard to walk: black and blue rywhere / black and blue: a dred flowers blossom, a dred schools of thought contend: share weal and woe hhttt company.




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