
发布时间:2022-06-14 14:16:39 阅读:293 点赞:0




Long ago, there was a ksatiya in the kingdom of makara. He was very ill. He was aware of his fatal moment to his o sons.

He ordered him to "after my death, divide my pperty and money equally beeen you o". The o sons listened to their father's wishes, but the bther complained that his bther was unfair in their share. An old man nearby said, "let me teach you how to divide yo father's pperty equally." they asked the old man, "cut all the valuable clothes in half, and then divide the other things into o parts, such as plates, bottles, bowls, plates," money, etc.

"people lghed at his pposal for the stupidity of answeng all the questions in one-sided ways Hereti have fo ways to answer questions: Yes. For example, all people are mortals. For example, the dead will be reborn, which should be answered.

In addition, those who have no desire will not be reborn. Those who have desire will be reborn. For example, some people ask: are all human beings supreme? This can be rrsed by asking, "do you mean the three paths of reincarnation or the of the gods? If you mean the first one, I should say that man is supreme; if it is the latter, I should say that man does not mean that God has no answer.

If you ask 14 questions, such as whether the world has a limit, whether there is any beginning or end for human beings, and whether there is any beginning or end for human beings, iorant hereti only use single Just as the stupid man suggested to his o sons that all the effects and money should be divided into o parts: ① malayadasamalayadasa ③ ④ 12345677890.




A farmer and his wife were working in a field where they found a copper jar full of gold coins. They looked nd to make se no one noticed them. Yes, they didn't find them.

They put the jars back undergund and went home at night. When the farmer came back, he dug out the jar and took it home. He dug a hole in the yard and hid the jar.

Then he told his wife to keep the secret close to her so that Mr. Rao, the owner of the farm, would not know about it and asked for the pot and coins to be retned. His wife assed him that the secret would be kept secret the next night.

His wife went to visit her fends nearby. The farmer thought that she might not keep a secret. The next night, when he put a secret in his wife's sleeping place, he put a secret in his wife's sleeping place.

The farmer and his wife went out. His wife saw a tree in the tree. What did he say? The farmer said that this tree bears fruit ry five years.

The last time it was a year before we got mared, it gave us these fruits. Let's take them and enjoy them. The wife suggested that the farmer climb up the tree and pick up the tree.

Then they went home. After dinner, they had enough to eat. When the farmer was resting, Mr.

Rao came there to ask for the gold coin. The farmer said he didn't have the pot of gold, but Mr. Rao insisted that since the information was given by his wife, it must be correct.

The farmer asked his wife if he had r seen such a jar, and if so, when she said, "I saw pine in the neem tree bied in o yard that day.". The farmer asked Mr. Rao with a ile whether he belid his wife's words.

Mr. Rao was spsed to hear what the farmer's wife said. He thought it must be a joke, but he felt that someone suggested him to confirm it and said that he wanted to search the farmer and let him look nd the yard.

The conclusion was that this must be a joke made by the farmer's wife, although he could not find his gold Can, but she doesn't seem to be a healthy person. He asked the farmer to forgive him for all the tuble he had ed him and left.








A few years ago, the Seattle Symphony orchestra played Beethoven's ninth movement under the direction of Milton katyms. At this point, you have to understand o things. In this symphony, there is a long section.

There is nothing to do with the bass violin. There is no note to go fm page to page. There used to be a pub called diz as the street in Seattle, which was favored by local musicians The Opera House decided that in this show, after the bass players had played their part, they would quietly put down their instruments and leave the stage instead of sitting on stools for 20 minutes.

Well, they were advised to tt as the ad, and then after they shot down the first und of the , some said we shouldn't go back, and it would be embarrassing if we were late again 。 Maybe the person who suggested the tp said he wanted us to spend time. When he came down, I tied a pe on the last few pages of the conductor. When Milton waved the baton with one hand and felt for the stngs with the other hand, they had to slow down.

So they had another und of competition, and when they finally got back to the opera house, they were a little drunk Drunk back to the opera house. Howr, when they retned to the stage and looked at their conductor, their faces told them that they were in seous tuble and katyms was very angry about why rything was ready, it came, it was the bottom nine points, the draw and bass were loaded.




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