
发布时间:2022-06-10 13:03:53 阅读:199 点赞:0




One morning in early June, there was a heavy rain. I took a bus to the school in the subbs, sunded by ce fields and ponds. The sky was gray, and clouds were gatheng along the Far East hozon.

"There will be a heavy rain soon." When I hed into the classom, I said to myself, the sky was gray before, but now it is covered by dark clouds, and it is gradually dark to dusk. I feel very stuffy, but it is very calm. There is no wind.

I see the leaves and grass still. It seems that I am waiting for something to happen in a few minutes. I see the lightning splitting the clouds, and suddenly hear tder.

The rain ctain falls. The wind blows quickly and the grass is blown by the wind Even, the rain like fog, the sky became bght. I took a few deep breaths and felt comfortable.

The heavy rain lasted three hos and stopped. When the air in class was so fresh and the sky was so clear, I felt like a new man.





Let's go to repair it together. On Monday, I got up early and was the first to come to the classom. When I came to the desk to prepare to sit down, I found that my chair was bken.

What can I do? There was no one aund at that time. I quickly changed a chair with Li Ming and sat down to read as if nothing had happened. My clasates all came in.

After a while, Li Ming came. He found that the chair was bken. He wanted to repair it.

I didn't say a word, but my face tned red soon. I ran to the teacher's office and got back a hammer. I said to Erming, "let's fix it together.".





① Please note that it's 6:00 p.m. now I'm predicting that fm midnight to tomorw morning, there will be a northerly wind in o town, the temperate will dp by centigrade, and there will be a shower tomorw morning, so you must close all the windows when you leave. Please put on clothes when you get up tomorw morning in case of cold.

Thank you, Wang Xiaoming.


① ②5③④⑤请注意,现在是下午6点,我现在照常预报,从午夜到明天早上,我镇将有一股北风刮过,气温将下降摄氏度,明早还将有阵雨,所以离开时一定要把所有窗户关上今晚你教室,明天早上起床时请多穿点衣服,以防感冒。谢谢你王晓明。


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