
发布时间:2022-04-15 09:29:57 阅读:517 点赞:0


关于”游泳好处有很多“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:There are many advantages of swimming。以下是关于游泳好处有很多xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:There are many advantages of swimming

It was a fine day last Sunday. Linda went to the park by bike. There were many people in the park.

Some were singing and some were swimming in the lake. She put her bike under the tree. When she went back to de her bike, she saw some people swimming in the lake.

She found her bike was not there. She looked rywhere for her bike, but she couldn't find it. A thief stole her bike and took her bike.

She didn't know what to do. She ced. Finally, she called the police.





I have a sister who is very cute and active. Yesterday we went to a village where we were flying kites. It was windy.

My hat flew into the lake. I was very angry. My sister saw her hat.

She jumped into the lake to swim. She gave it back to me. I was very happy.

Five minutes after we went swimming, I didn't see my sister. I was very sad. I came home to see my sister lying in bed I'm glad to see her again.

You know who my sister is. Well, let me tell you, she's my dog.




In many deep pools of streams and vers, it is belid that guards live in them, and bathing in them is very dangeus. Sometimes when a castle or a house is ransacked, one or o loyal servants try to rescue the tray box and thw it into a pool in the nearest stream. Once the diver was rescued to the bottom.

In such a pool, he dived into the water to get the neighbong city Fort's plate, he saw the tray box, was about to lift it, when the devil ordered him to go to the water immediately, not to come back. The devil warned him that if he came back, he would lose his life. The diver obeyed his orders when he got to the shore.

He told him what he had, what he saw and heard, and with the huge reward of threats and pmises, after a minute or o, he dived again, his heart and lungs floating on the sface, torn off by the demons of the Scottish swimming pool.




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