
发布时间:2022-06-13 07:02:32 阅读:924 点赞:0


关于”介绍文物古迹“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Intduction to cultal reli and histoc sites。以下是关于介绍文物古迹中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to cultal reli and histoc sites

WTO a Welcome to Heyuan. Now let me intduce o city to you. Heyuan is a city with a long history.

It is located in the northeast of Guangdong Pvince, a few kilometers away fm Guangzhou. It has a large population. There are many places of interest in Heyuan, such as sujiawei, Vientiane lake and so on.

The water is clean and pollution-free, and there are all kinds of fish in it You can go boating, fishing and picni. It's a good place for vacation. In addition, you can visit Heyuan Museum, where you can see many dinosa egg fossils.

I hope you can have a good time in Heyuan.


世界贸易组织a b苏嘉伟万卢拉克)欢迎来到河源,现在让我向你们介绍我们城市河源河源是一个历史悠久城市,位于广东东北部,距广州几公里,人口众多,河源有许多名胜古迹,比如苏家围万象湖等等万象湖是一个美丽地方,水是净,没有污染,里面有各种各样鱼你可以去划船,钓鱼和野餐那里是一个度假好地方另外,你可以去参观河源博物馆那里你可以看到很多恐龙蛋化石我希望你能在河源玩得开心。


The motherland, I have always had a sense of pde and responsibility, becse pde means that the motherland has had many years of cultal history and d many cultal reli worthy of o worship. Thugh the continuous gwth, o country has expeenced many dynasties of tbulence. After the feudal society oppressed and the war bke out, the Republic of China was established and opened to the outside world With an independent way of life, China has now become a big country, many pducts have entered the international , a large number of talents are light imagination, open-minded, intelligent, I beli that although China is not a dloped country, but in the pcess of efforts, we will be based on the world and become a part of dloped countes, which is what I need What I want to praise is that I have made great efforts.

I love that I have expeenced all the vicissitudes. Howr, the motherland has not fallen down, but has expeenced so many ups and downs in fnt of her. I really can't stop praising her.

She has always cheshed the betiful scenic spots with bght fute, heic and graceful fige. My motherland also has many moving songs and tears, firm and ch, and I am deep Deeply in love with her.




Xuanwu Lake is an important part of Zhongshan national scenic area, the ancient capital of Nanjing. It is also an important part of national AAAA toist attraction. Famous histocal and cultal celebties Guo Pu, Li Bai, Wang and Guo have a total area of 10000 hectares, including 10000 hectares of Lake area and 10000 hectares of land area, which are distbuted on five continents Becse of the cherry blossoms nd it, there are many ancient reli on the island known as "yanliuwan island".

Children's worship and Guo Pu's stone pnting pavilion are the most famous residences, which are larger than all the large waterscape of the whole island. Lotus Square is also located in the central island of Yingzhou becse of the cherry trees in the past Huadao was once worshipped by the impeal cot, so it was named Zhou Yinghua and fan Yemao, which formed the "Cherry Blossom Island" of Liangzhou. According to the legend of Pnce Liang Zhaoming who built the "Lianuan" here, it is called Liangzhou.

Every year, the new king of the world Lake Temple, Lansheng tower, fendship office, Huaning library and other cultal reli and histoc sites exhibition hall are here. Becse this area used to be ch Since ancient times, "Lingzhou three rain silk" Bird Island has enjoyed a high reputation in the world, known as "China's first bird garden", "erlongxi pearl" main line of Lingzhou scenery of Cuizhou. Becse of the betiful pearls in Kingston such as cedar covered, green floating, named Cuizhou Cuizhou, Cuizhou is quiet, pine trees, cedars, willows and Danzhu, forming the "zhoucuishuyun" for a stng ecological leise holiday Is charactezed by.




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