
发布时间:2022-08-15 14:30:08 阅读:486 点赞:0


关于”有关老师能否被取代“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Can teachers be replaced。以下是关于有关老师能否被取代中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Can teachers be replaced

With the dlopment of comr technolo and the Internet, we have a new media to understand the outside world, and o life has changed greatly due to the Internet. O daily communication can not only get domestic news, but also receive international news. Of cose, you can also email yo fends and other people.

You can learn anything you like online, For example, English and other subjects. At the same time, you can enjoy music, sports and play video s.




For Qingxu, Guanghe and ten mu of land, a tree ng is stct, Stephen Honan is the home owner, to Jiyou once told Yue: "big, rent, pvate housing secities, xiyangshan multi-stage, I wish to tananda trade and financing disaster relief" to appreciate it, is the cornerstone of the extension, and in the spng, tumn, especially in the mid tumn moon.




You think the Internet is very useful for us. The Internet is a good facility for collecting information. The Internet makes it easy to establish social connections.

We can have many fends all over the world and get a lot of knowledge thugh the Internet. Today, millions of people communicate by email. But the disadvantage of the Internet is that a lot of neork information may be false, and the socialization of the neork will be weakened O ability to deal with relationships in the real world.

The weak may be addicted to online s and online entertainment, thus destying their own career. The loveliness of the Internet is infinite and colorful, but we can only make good use of it to strenen the mament. Although we have an apppate way to sf the Internet, you think the Internet plays a very important le in o daily life.

Thousands of people sf the Internet ry day. With the of the Internet, you can get a lot of useful information. You can make fends with different people, no matter they Whether you know it or not, you can ask for or ask for answers.

Every coin has o sides. There is so much garbage on the Internet. These garbage are some media information about cme or .

The cost is higher. It also makes people waste time on it. Its ability should be used by people.

We should make good use of the Internet to make o life better.





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