
发布时间:2022-10-09 07:12:12 阅读:762 点赞:0


关于”疫情防范建议“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Suggestions on prntion of epidemic situation。以下是关于疫情防范建议xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Suggestions on prntion of epidemic situation

Here are a few experts' suggestions to avoid headache by combining prntive drugs and lifestyle changes in daily life. Take beta blockers or calcium channel blockers ry day (but stctly according to the doctor's advice). Eat healthy meals on time.

Don't miss breakfast. Avoid spicy and greasy food. Avoid contact with sun when you go out.

A few minutes of bsk walking or jogging ry day can do wonders. Add pranayama and yoga to yo daily life list to reduce stress that can e headaches. All of these prections can reduce extreme headaches.





Every year, the Oscar ceremony attracts the attention of the whole world, bee the most betiful scenery is always the favote media. When these women are asked to give advice to young girls, they will give their opinions. The most common advice is that ry girl should be herself today, and don't follow the cwd.

Many girls are influenced by advertisements. They think that only when they have bigger breasts and tighter buttocks, can they look betiful. This is totally wng bee ry girl should have a bigger chest and tighter buttocks People have their own charactesti when they lose their personality.

They lose their bety. So it's important to stick to who you are and what you beli is ght. These things will make you different and make you different.

I am very encoaged and pud of myself.




"If you don't want to wake up and find you don't have pants on, you'd better let them sleep," is a popular joke among students. Obviously, campus thefts have become and annoying, bee they happen a lot often than before, and it seems so. Nowadays, this are no longer picky.

Their targets range fm bicycles, cell phones, wallets, prepaid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and n underwear. In short, anything of value can be stolen - which makes students They have become easy targets - the reasons are not hard to find, but I beli that for all these reasons, the lack of secuty awareness is the most important, bee for the same reason, students often leave their doors and windows wide open when they go to bed at noon or at night in summer. They also lock their bicycles in fnt of the shops or on the adside, or forget to take their pvate figes before leaving the classom In order to minimize the possible loss, students must first be vigilant, bee alertness to theft aund often has a great impact.

More specifically, students should not hide any attractive cash in the dormitory. Besides, do not put valuables In unattended places, take them with you wherr you go. In addition, it is recommended that neighborhood watch pgrams be dloped with other students in dormitoes and adjacent dormitoes.




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