
发布时间:2022-06-25 08:16:34 阅读:124 点赞:0


关于”他是人“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:He is disabled。以下是关于他是人专升英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:He is disabled

Helping the disabled is a traditional virtue of o Chinese people, which is not a big story. We also need to do it in real life. We are just children, we can't give them a lot of money, but we can them in real life.

For example, we can the blind css the ad, we can those who can't take things easily. We can do a lot of things for them. We should give o hands to the people in need.

Don't you think it would be betiful to live in a world where people each other okay?.




We live in this world. We may feel unhappy. You know, there are many people in this world who can't talk, speak, listen and see anything that doesn't work.

If you see a disabled person, you don't look at him all the time. You can respect him and make him feel that the good government in the world should incorporate it into its policies. It can make patients hr and have no need O please do not chesh yo ile, you can put it on if we are wored that invasion will become and frequent, violence will affect o safe life.




How to take care of the disabled the disabled are normal people, except that they can't see what we can see, or they can't walk as fast as we do, becse they can't see so much, or they can't walk so fast. They need o . We can immediately list a long list of ways we can them.

For example, ry student will find one In order to , in the community or the community, you can them css the ad, you can them push wheelchairs, set up an orization to collect some money, use the money to them, buy them daily necessities, their children finish their studies when they are disabled, and it's hard for them to earn as much money as normal people. That's why they usually need physically When they have disabilities, they feel lonely, they think they are not as normal people, they can easily become lonely, sad, disappointed, they can easily lose hope of life, they need spitual , they need people to talk, they need people to encoage them to continue their lives, they need people to eliminate their prejudice against them. Now, I suggest, do what we can to To them, we can donate o pocket money, we can walk to the disabled css the ad, we can make fends with them by visiting them, phone calls, sending e-mails.

Anyway, don't always think that we are better than normal people. We always make normal mistakes. We think we can see things, but blind people can't.

If you know the story of Helen Keller, you will understand why you are wng. Blind people can't see with the naked eye, but they can see clearly with their ears and with their hands. So when you treat people with disabilities as if they were normal people, they are normal people.




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