
发布时间:2022-06-19 06:16:02 阅读:386 点赞:0


关于”每天都做事小“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Do all things ry day。以下是关于每天都做事小专升英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Do all things ry day

What can I do for o envinment? For the sake of o envinment, I should try to save electcity in my daily life. For example, if I were the last person to leave the classom at night, I would always remember to tn off the lights to ptect o forest. I will use paper wisely.

I should try to use both sides of the paper at all times. I may not use paper cups and disposable chopsticks becse they are made of wood. I beli that doing all these all things will impve o envinment and make o world a better place.





I often go to bed: becse my parents force me to sleep, they tell me that a good rest can make me have a good body before I go to bed. I usually dnk a glass of milk. I always sleep well at night.

I often get up early, but I don't feel tired. I can eat breakfast at home. I don't need to worry.

I'm usually full of ener in class, but some of my clasates sometimes sleep in class Maybe they don't get enough sleep.




Dear students and teachers, we all know that the Shanghai World Expo is being held. Every citizen is pud of the Expo. We are willing to do something for the Expo.

So today, we are going to hold a class meeting to discuss what we have done and what should be done for the Expo. I think ryone can do some all things, such as picking up garbage on the street and following the rules Obey the traffic rules and make o city better. This is what we can do to match the theme of the Expo, "Better City, better life".




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